The Shōsōin Exhibition is a rare event where treasures connected to the emperor from 1,300 years ago are displayed annually. You will have the opportunity to view approximately 60 carefully selected artifacts from a collection of 9,000. These treasures, influenced by the cultures of various regions via the Silk Road, can only be seen at this exclusive exhibition.
A local guide will provide detailed explanations as you are chauffeured in a private car. The tour focuses on how Japan's first capital engaged with foreign cultures. Scheduled for early to mid-November, the tour coincides with the beautiful autumn foliage in Nara Park. This exclusive tour is limited to one group per day.
Kansai Nara Treasure Travel collaborate with Travelaction
This is a tour that tightly packs the various charms of Nara park, the birthplace of Japanese culture, into one package.
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